Account Rates


Account Dividend Rate APY*
SHARE SAVINGS 0.200% 0.200%
CHRISTMAS CLUB 0.200% 0.200%
IRA SAVINGS 0.400% 0.400%

Rates Effective 1/1/2025
Share Savings has a $25.00 minimum balance.

Certificates (Share or IRA)

Term Dividend Rate APY*
3-month 0.200% 0.200%
6-month 0.750% 0.760%
12-month 1.600% 1.610%
24-month 1.700% 1.710%
36-month 1.800% 1.820%
48-month 2.000% 2.020%
60-month 2.250% 2.270%

Rates reviewed Wednesdays
IRA = Individual Retirement Account
All Certificates have a minimum deposit of $500.00.

A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal of certificates. Your certificate will automatically renew at the rate in effect at the date of maturity and for the same term as the original term unless you contact us on or before the maturity date. You will receive notice of your upcoming maturity approximately one month before the maturity date.